Scroll to end of syllabus for outline, sample weekly schedules, and 36 week charts for this level.
General Instructions
+ Subjects considered to be essential at this level. Other subjects should be included if at all possible to give a broad Charlotte Mason style education.
(N) Books/subjects intended for narration.
* Key curriculum – books considered to be key parts of the curriculum are shown in bold type and marked with an asterisk.
Highly Recommended materials/subjects are shown in bold. These should be included if possible, but are not essential.
Optional extras – optional books and suggestions are shown in italics
Selections listed in bright blue are alternatives for home educators in the UK
At this level most lessons should last around 20 minutes.
Please note that the resources listed here are suggestions meant to give you a clear picture of what is recommended at this level. They are not set in stone. If you find a suitable resource that you prefer, please feel free to substitute.
Note: In viewing the syllabus and schedule, you will notice that the workload for Term 1 is slightly lighter to allow time for extra Advent reading. If Advent does not fall during the first 12 weeks of your school year, simply adjust your schedule to allow time during Advent.
(1) New Testament (2x/week)
(N)* New Catholic Picture Bible by Rev. Laurence G.Lovasik
- Term 1: Ch. 1 to 24 (The Annunciation to The Penitent Woman)
- Term 2: Ch. 25 to 51 (The Widow’s Son to Zacchaeus the Publican) – a little extra to fit in this term, but less catechism lessons required
- Term 3: Ch. 52 to 74 (Entry into Jerusalem to Descent of the Holy Spirit)
See Level 1B New Testament schedule
Recommended Reference Materials:
Any children’s Bible encyclopedia (or similar resource), for background information, maps, and pictures of houses, clothing, every day items and locations. The OSV Catholic Encyclopedia for Children is one option.
(2) Catechism (weekly)
(N)* Faith and Life 1: Our Heavenly Father (or your preferred Catechism)
Read, narrate and discuss one lesson each week.
- Term 1: Lessons 1 to 10 (God is Our Father to The Savior is Born)
- Term 2: Lessons 11 to 18 (Three Wise Men Arrive to Jesus Dies for Us)
- Term 3: Lessons 19 to 28 (Jesus Goes Back to Heaven to Jesus Will Come Again), and We Go to Mass
Optional Extra: Faith and Life 1 Activity Book for children who like workbooks.
(3) Saints (2x/week)
(N) * Once Upon a Time Saints and * More Once Upon a Time Saints by Ethel Marbach Pochocki (Bethlehem Books).
One story to be read aloud and narrated each week.
- Term 1: St. Alice to St. Comgall
- Term 2: St. David of Wales to St. Longinus
- Term 3: St. Martha to St. Adauctus
* MAPWORK – find the location of each story on a world or European map. Mark it with a numbered sticker. Prepare a key matching each saint to his or her number. Alternatively, use Post-It flags or Map Dots. See: Map Location Key for Once Upon a Time Saints.
(4) Liturgical Year – Advent (2x/week)
(1) Work through any math program of your choice at a pace appropriate for your child. Short daily lessons lasting 20 minutes (including drill) are recommended.
(2) Five minutes of daily drill in math facts.
Further Resources:
- – over 6000 free math worksheets with answer keys
- XtraMath – free online help to master basic math facts.
- Math Mammoth Practice Center – another free software to practice basic arithmetic facts.
You might like to vary your week by making Friday a fun math day, doing activities and reading living math literature instead of your usual math scheme.
(1) Reading (daily)
Children learn to read at different ages and at their own pace. A reading program that work wonders for one child may not be at all helpful for another.
Mater Amabilis families have used and recommend:
(* programs found particularly useful for (but not limited to) children with dyslexia or similar challenges)
UK Alternative
- Read With Phonics by Mona McNee
- Story Chest reading scheme
- Alternative Resources: Ladybird Key Words Series (1a to 12b, Peter and Jane) and Ladybird Read With Me Series (1 to 16, Tom and Kate)
(2) Writing (10 minutes daily)
(a) Handwriting – Program of your choice. Optional: consider teaching cursive writing first (resource here).
(b) Copywork (Daily)
(1) Tales (weekly)
(N) Read aloud one tale each week from any book(s) of your choice from the following list:
- English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs
- American Tall Tales by Mary Pope Osborne
- The Blue Fairy Book by Andrew Lang
- The Orchard Book of the Unicorn and Other Magical Animals by Margaret Mayo (and other books in the same series)
- The Orchard Book of the Unicorn is also published under the title Mythical Birds and Beasts from Many Lands.
(2) Fables (weekly)
(N) * Aesop’s Fables with pictures by Milo Winter. Two fables weekly. Read aloud and narrate. These lend themselves particularly well to narration by drawing or by acting out the fable.
(3) Classic Children’s Literature (ad. lib.)
Choose at least one book from the selection below for each term to read aloud. Not for narration, just read and enjoy!
- Charlotte’s Web by E.B.White
- Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner by A.A. Milne
- The Story of Doctor Dolittle by Hugh Lofting
- Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater
- Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling
- The Borrowers by Mary Norton
- James Herriot’s Treasury for Children by James Herriot
- Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren
(4) Poetry (weekly)
- * The Harp and the Laurel Wreath by Laura Berquist
- When We Were Very Young and Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne
This will be the first year of a three-year-long course in the history of your own nation.
Option 1- Introduction to American History (2x/week)
(N) * This Country of Ours by H.E. Marshall (Notes on This Country of Ours)
See also: This Country of Ours Study Guide by Jill Papsdorf
(N) * The Catholic Faith Comes to the Americas by Illeen Reninger
Recommended additional book each term, to be read aloud at your own pace. See additional schedule and suggestions for further reading.
Optional Extra: Everything You Need to Know About American History Homework Charts, maps, timelines, and short summaries of important facts about American history.
UK Option 2: Introduction to British History(2x/week)
(N) * Our Island Story by H.E.Marshall (Why this book? Notes on Our Island Story)
(N)* Our Lady’s Dowry by Kathryn Faulkner.
Recommended additional book each term, to be read aloud at your own pace. See additional schedule, suggestions for further reading and British History Reading Plans.
(3x/week, plus mapwork)
Note: Please read our introduction to geography study and the Charlotte Mason method.
(1) Family Geography (48 lessons)
(a) Draw a family tree, going back to your child’s great-grandparents (or further if you wish). Include on the family tree the place of birth and main places of residence of each member. Look at family photos showing these places. Locate and mark them on maps. (4 lessons)
Choose three of these places for further study. Some suggested activities: look at maps of each area; read about and look at pictures of the area or country; find out about nearby towns, cities and any important geographical or historical sites; discuss any special features of the area and any aspects of its history which have had an impact on family members; learn something about any local saints; sample local foods. Allow six to eight lessons for each place. Talk to older relatives about places they have been and historical events they have lived through. (20 lessons)
Optional Extra:
My Family Tree Workbook: Genealogy for Beginners by Rosemary A. Chorzempa. This workbook includes space for information about immigrant ancestors, ancestral homelands and personal geography pages as well as for basic genealogical information. Useful for those who would find some written structure helpful or for older children joining this study. Aimed at an older age group, so if used with a Level 1B child expect to do the writing for the child.
(b) Choose six places you and your husband (or wife) have visited. For each place: locate and mark on a map; plot your journey on a map; look at photos and souvenirs; look at pictures in a guidebook or other book about the area; discuss geographical features of the area (hills, mountains, islands, rivers, lakes, sea, woodland, forest, marshes and so on). You could also try special foods from each area. Allow four lessons for each place. (24 lessons)
(2) Earth Studies – Rivers and Oceans (24 lessons)
* Rivers and Oceans: Geography Facts and Experiments by Barbara Taylor (previously part of the out of print book The Earth:The Geography of Our World by Barbara Taylor -ISBN: 0753454254)
See full list of lessons, most of which involve practical and outdoor activities.
Recommended Reference Material: Any suitable atlas.
Recommended UK option: The Oxford Junior Atlas
(3) Map Work
Mark locations for each of the saints read about this year on a map. Find places mentioned in history studies.
(1) Take at least one nature walk each week
Many of these can take place in the context of the practical lessons in Geography and Earth Studies.
(2) Begin a nature journal.
Study of North American Animal Life, Landscapes, and Ecosystems – A year’s study of the natural world with a two term emphasis on tide pools.
- Pagoo by Holling C. Holling
- Nature Anatomy by Julia Rothman – This gorgeous book offers hundreds of beautiful pieces of art illustrating countless concepts, collections, and observations throughout the natural world. We have scheduled it to accompany the science and geography lessons throughout Level 1. It is not essential, but as a single book, it does a lot of heavy lifting!
- Ocean Anatomy by Julia Rothman – If you love Nature Anatomy, you might like using Ocean Anatomy to accompany your studies of Tidepool Life in Terms 2 and 3
- Crinkleroot’s Guide to Knowing Animal Habitats by Jim Arnosky – Out of print but available as a kindle book, this book gives an overview of all the habitats covered in Term 1.
- Lots of Library Books! An extensive list of nature books accompanies the plans for Term 1. Use what is available to you.
Optional Extra Reading:
- The Burgess Seashore Book by Thornton Burgess (spread throughout the year at approximately a chapter a week)
See schedule of lessons for Level 1B Nature Study
See also: Notes on Nature Study
(weekly – foreign language at this level is optional)
Option 1 – Spanish
* Learn Spanish With Grace by Miriam Alvarez Gallaher could be used alongside older siblings if desired.
UK Option 2 – French
* Skoldo French Elementary Book (introduction to basic French vocabulary)
If you decide to start French at this stage you will find that all the vocabulary and songs in the Elementary Book are repeated in Book 1. This makes it ideal if a child wants to work alongside a sibling who is using Book 1. It also provides a jumpstart into French for young children.
Optional Extra Resources
Simple bilingual books can often be found at the library. Familiar pre-school books work well for this. DVDs often have French as a language option – watch a favorite DVD in French.
Use this year to introduce your child to classical music. Choose from the suggestions for suitable music below, or feel free to add any family favorites. See Music Appreciation page.
- Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra by Benjamin Britten
- Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saens
- Peter and the Wolf by Prokofiev
- The Sorcerer’s Apprentice by Paul Dukas
* Come Look With Me Series by Gladys Blizzard – choose any three books:
These books include some background information together with some points to look for in each picture. Study one picture each week.
See also: Notes on Picture Study
(2x/week )
Art activities suggested by the Parents Union School for children of this age included painting and drawing with watercolors, chalks and pastels. Suggested subjects included drawing from nature (autumn leaves, berries, wild animals) and illustrations of stories from the set reading.
Recommended Resources:
- Discovering Great Artists by Mary Ann Kohl and Kim Solga -lots of art projects in the style of great artists. All projects are given a rating for both difficulty and the amount of preparation required.
- Oxford First Book of Art by Gillian Wolfe – looks at many different aspects of art, with each double page spread having a different theme. For each theme there are pictures of various works of art, questions to help children focus on the pictures and a suggested art activity.
- Usborne Activities: What Shall I Draw? and What Shall I Paint? by Ray Gibson
(1) Singing
Learn two new songs and two new hymns of your choice each term.
Optional Resources:
(2) Instrument (optional)
The Parents Union School recommended starting piano at this age. If you have a piano or keyboard available, a good beginners piano program that can be used independently is the Bastien Piano Series, starting with Bastien Piano for the Young Beginner Primers A and B. Another (Catholic) option is Alan Jemison‘s Beginning at the Piano books.
A simpler alternative is to start learning to play the recorder. A good starting point is Penny Gardner’s Nine Note Recorder Method.
Optional Extra:
- Help in house and yard (garden).
- Work on learning a practical craft or skill of your choice. Ideas for this level could include simple sewing or knitting; clay modeling; making simple toys.
UK Resource: Optec sells a wide range of reasonably priced craft kits, projects and hobby materials.
36 Week Lesson Plan Chart (pdf) (doc)