Level 5 & 6 Mathematics
Harold Jacobs texts – Algebra and Geometry Teaching videos available from AskDrCallahan Paul Foerster texts are part of the Prentice Hall Classics series. A student of Harold Hacobs, Mr. Foerster taught for many years in San Antonio, TX and was teacher of the year. His books are college prep level and include many word problems practicing application of concepts. (Algebra I, Algebra II & Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus) Teaching videos available from Math Without Borders Geometry: A Guided Inquiry (text) along with Home Study Companion: Geometry from Math Without Borders Life of Fred – These are available at many homeschool stores, but the Unique Math website provides a good overview of the books. If you successfully complete the Calculus book, you will have covered all the material included in the AP Calculus BC exam. (Additional study/preparation would still be recommended.) Note the recommended sequence for Life of Fred is different: Beginning Algebra, Advanced Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus. Discovering Geometry by Michael Serra – There may be a difference between the Key Curriculum Press versions and the newer ones published by McGraw Hill. Homeschool Connections (either live courses or recorded) Derek Owens online courses (pre-recorded videos, workbooks, with grading available.)Typical Math Courses
textbook / course options
online options
Not every student will progress through the traditional math courses, especially those who are not planning to attend college. Note – students should complete mathematical calculations in the course of their studies to award math credit. Personal Finance / Consumer Mathematics / Financial Literacy Data Science / Statistics Small Business / Entrepreneurial Mathalternative math courses