New Testament – Acts of the Apostles
Level 2 – Year 1
Key Text:
(N) * The First Christians: The Acts of the Apostles for Children by Marigold Hunt.
Read and narrate the assigned section each lesson.
Term 1: Introduction; Ch. 1 to 4
Term 2: Ch. 5 to 8
Term 3: Ch. 9 to 12
Detailed Reading Schedule:
Term 1
- Introduction
- Ch. 1 How Our Church Began (15-19)
- Ch. 1 p. 19 “This first retreat” – p. 24
- Ch. 2 First Adventurers (27-30)
- Ch. 2 p. 30-34 Start at “Next morning,”
- Ch. 3 First Persecution (1/3)
- Ch. 3 First Persecution (1/3)
- Ch. 3 First Persecution (1/3)
- Ch. 4 Saul (1/3)
- Ch. 4 Saul (1/3)
- Ch. 4 Saul (1/3)
- Catch up/ Exams
Term 2
- Ch. 5 Peter’s Vision p. 59-63
- Ch. 5 Peter’s Vision p. 63-67
- Ch. 5. Peter’s Vision end of p. 67-72
- Ch. 6 Saul’s 1st Journey pp.75 -79 “ask him.”
- Ch. 6 p. 79 “From Paphos -p.82 “…else.”
- Ch. 6 p. 82 “After..” to p. 86 end of chapter
- Ch. 7 The Council of Jerusalem to p.91 “Moses”
- Ch. 7. 91 “Not all” to 93 “sin”
- Ch. 7 p. 93 “The things..” to end of ch. 7
- Ch. 8. The Second Great Journey to 101 “begun to write.”
- Ch. 8 “Philipi was” to 104 “chains came undone”
- Catch-up / Exams
Term 3
- Ch. 9 Paul goes alone…p.113 “other time.”
- Ch. 9 p. 113 “Only a few” to p.116 “wasn’t it?”
- Ch. 9 p. 116 “Paul stayed on” to end of chapter
- Ch. 10 Riot in Ephesus pp. 123-126
- Ch. 10 p.126 “After” to p. 131
- Ch. 10 pp. 131-133
- Ch. 11 Paul’s arrest Jerus. to p.140 “judged?”
- Ch. 11 p. 140 “The centurion” to 144 end of page
- Ch. 11 p. 145 to 152 end of chapter
- Ch. 12 Paul goes to Rome 158 “ on an island.”
- Ch. 12 p. 158-162 “thanked God for it.”
- Ch. 12 p. 162 “When at last” to end of book