Q. How much does this program cost?
A. The online syllabi and lessons plans presented here are FREE for use under the terms of the Mater Amabilis™ License Agreement.
Q. Are there lessons plans for each of the recommended books and resources?
A. There are some lesson plans, but not every recommended book or resource has lesson plans available at this time.
Q. Why are there only some lesson plans for the recommended books and resources?
A. Mater Amabilis is volunteer effort and free offering from other home educating parents. As time allows updates are made to the curriculum.
Q. Do you offer record keeping?
A. No. Parents are responsible for their own record keeping.
Q. Is Mater Amabilis an accredited program?
A. No. Accreditation is costly and we believe, unnecessary. See Do Homeschool Programs Need to Be Accredited? and About Accreditation for more information.
Q. I have a question that isn’t addressed here, how can I contact you?
A. Please join the online forum on Facebook and someone will be happy to try and answer your question.*
*Permission to use the Mater Amabilis™ name and images may be requested by e-mailing materamabiliscurriculum@gmail.com. This e-mail address is specifically for requesting usage permission. Curriculum questions must be directed to the forum.