Levels 3 and 4 Science
Wonders of Creation – Level 3 Year 1 This course provides an overview of life science with a term each of Botany and Biology as well as a winter term of astronomy with an emphasis on star gazing. Experiments, demonstrations and further reading are woven into the course to enable students to build an understanding of the natural world around them as well as the history of the study of biology. Themes include classification, nature study, cell structure, and the human body. An introduction to Earth Science should be scheduled for an additional day each week. Science Through Time (Secrets of the Universe) – Level 3 Year 2 and Level 4 This course provides an overview of the development of science from ancient times through to the early twentieth century. The framework for the course is the chronological development of science, showing how new scientific discoveries built upon the work of earlier scientists. Experiments, demonstrations and further reading are woven into the course to enable students to build an understanding of scientific principles. Themes studied include mechanics, astronomy, chemistry, and electricity. A more in depth study of the Earth is used over the course of these two year and require an additional day. Time Requirements Three lessons weekly for the main study, each lesson lasting approximately 30 to 40 minutes. In addition to science, a student should study Geology and Earth Studies Level 3 Year 1: BOTANY Botanicum: Welcome to the Museum (Willis and Scott) World of Plants (Howell / Usborne) Alternative: Read First Studies in Plant Life (Atkinson) and follow the study guide schedule and activities from Sabbath Mood ASTRONOMY Our Universe: A Guide to What’s Out There (Stannard) This book is out of print, but used copies are cheaply and easily available The Stars: A New Way to See Them (Rey) – Note: This book is written for the northern latitudes. Some Mater Amabilis families in Australia recommend Australian Backyard Astronomy by Ragbir Bhathal and Jenny Bhathal as a southern hemisphere alternative. Genesis 1: House of the Covenant (Daly) – Note: The Hedge School website is run by Mary Daly’s children in their free time. Orders often take a long time to be filled, and they are not good at responding to emails. This is an excellent book, but you can simply skip the few lessons using it if you prefer not to order a copy. Optional supplement: Exploring the Sky: 100 Projects for Beginning Astronomers (Moeschl) Alternative: Read The Planets (Sobel) and follow the study guide schedule and activities from Sabbath Mood Astronomy: Forms 3-4 INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGY Men Microscopes and Living Things (Shippen) Level 3 Year 2: CLASSICAL AND FLUID MECHANICS Objects in Motion (Fleisher) Liquids and Gases (Fleisher) TOPScience #16 Pressure (Book or ebook, Starter Kit #16*, if available) THE PERIODIC TABLE AND ELEMENTS The Mystery of the Periodic Table (Wiker) TOPScience #10 Analysis (Book or ebook and Starter Kit 10*) TOPScience #11 Oxidation (Book or ebook and Starter Kit 11*) *Starter kits have all the supplies you need for the demonstrations and experiments and are highly recommended. Recommended Supplemental Reading The Elements (Gray) (A motivated student may want to make a science journal entry on 1-2 elements per week.) Also Molecules and Reactions by the same author. Alternative to TOPS Analysis and Oxidation kits: Use the schedule and activities for The Mystery of the Periodic Table in Sabbath Mood Chemistry: Forms 3-4. This guide moves at a faster pace than the schedule here, leaving you a few extra weeks for supplemental reading. MATTER AND ENERGY Matter and Energy (Fleisher) The Mystery of Matter: Search for the Elements [documentary] NOVA: Hunting the Elements [documentary] Level 4 WEATHER The Weather Book (Sloane) Thames/Kosmos Climate & Weather Science Kit WAVES and ELECTRICITY Waves: Principles of Light, Electricity and Magnetism (Fleisher) TOPScience #32 Electricity (Book or ebook and Starter Kit 32*) DK Eyewitness Book: Electricity (Parker) *Starter kits have all the supplies you need for the demonstrations and experiments and are highly recommended. RELATIVITY and QUANTUM MECHANICS Relativity and Quantum Mechanics: Principles of Modern Physics (Fleisher) The Time and Space of Uncle Albert (Stannard) ENGINEERING and FAITH AND REASON The Paper Airplane Book (Simon) Great Catholic Scientists: Discoveries and Lives of Faith (Consolmagno and Francl-Donnay) Smarter Every Day [YouTube channel] TOPScience #33 Magnetism (Book or ebook and Starter Kit 33*) *Starter kits have all the supplies you need for the demonstrations and experiments and are highly recommended. Weeks 1 to 6 Botanicum: Welcome to the Museum (18 lessons) Notes: Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Weeks 7-11 World of Plants (links at Usborne Interlinked Library of Science) (15 lessons) Notes: Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Weeks 13 – 23 Our Universe Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Note: The author of Our Universe is a lay reader in the Church of England and a retired professor of physics. The book is written for a secular audience, but in the last chapter when he addresses the origins of the universe Divine Creation is put forward as one of two or three hypotheses, with the statement that he believes this to be the correct explanation. Week 21 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 Weeks 25-36 INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGY (33 lessons) Men Microscopes and Living Things Follow the Sabbath Mood Guide schedule and activities. Consider starting an insect collection as a focus for your nature study this term: How to Collect Insects LEVEL 3, YEAR 2 Weeks 1-11 (33 lessons) Objects in Motion Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Weeks 13-28 (45 lessons) The Mystery of the Periodic Table *Denotes experiments we have found to require extra parental help. Recommended Supplemental Reading: The Elements by Theodore Gray (A motivated student may want to make a science journal entry on 1-2 elements per week.) Also Molecules and Reactions by the same author. Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 Week 25 Week 26 Week 27 Note: The last chapter of this book is more complex, and has been broken down into small units. You may find it helpful to use a science reference work such as the Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia alongside The Mystery of the Periodic Table. You may also need to work with your child on this section. Week 28 Weeks 29-35 (21 lessons) Matter and Energy Week 29 Week 30 Week 31 Week 32 Week 33 Week 34 Week 35 Week 36 Catch-up/ Exams. Level 4 Weeks 1-35 (1 lesson weekly, 33 lessons) The Weather Book Weeks 1-15 (2 lessons weekly, 28 lessons) Waves: Principles of Light, Electricity and Magnetism Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Catch-up/Exams Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Weeks 16-24 (2 lessons weekly, 17 lessons) Relativity and Quantum Mechanics Week 16 Week 17 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 Weeks 25-35 (2 lessons weekly, 22 lessons) The Paper Airplane Book Smarter Every Day (videos on YouTube channel) Recommended Free Read: The Wright Brothers: Pioneers of American Aviation (Landmark Books) (Reynolds); Cleared for Takeoff: The Ultimate Book of Flight (White) Week 25 Week 26 Week 27 Week 28 Week 29 Week 30 Week 31 Week 32 Week 33 Week 34 Week 35 Week 36 Optional: Climate & Weather Experiment 22 (The Climate Weather Station) Catch-up/Exams
Key Texts
Catch-up or Exams Week
The Stars
Genesis 1: House of the Covenant (33 lessons)
Sabbath Mood Biology Guide
Liquids and Gases
TOPScience #16 Pressure
*Denotes experiments we have found to require extra parental help.
Catch up / exams.
TOPScience Analysis
TOPScience Oxidation
Many find the limewater instructions for the teacher to make unreliable. We recommend using the instructions from Home Science Tools and purchasing calcium hydroxide from them to make it.
The Mystery of Matter: Search for the Elements [documentary]
NOVA: Hunting the Elements [documentary]
Thames/Kosmos Climate & Weather Science Kit
TOPScience Electricity
DK Eyewitness Book: Electricity
The Time and Space of Uncle Albert
Recommended Free Read: Albert Einstein and the Theory of Relativity (Cwiklik)
OR HOW ROCKETS ARE MADE (Rocket Factory Tour – United Launch Alliance)