(approx. ages 11-13)
Grades 6 & 7 in the US.
Year 7 & 8 in the UK.
This course covers two school years. The curriculum is designed to fit into thirty-six weeks, with many subjects broken down into three blocks of twelve weeks (terms).
The approximate number of lessons required each week for each subject is shown in italics. Often the lessons can be covered in ten or eleven weeks, allowing a little leeway in the schedule.
At this level most lessons should last around 30 - 40 minutes.
Before beginning you may want to read the General Introduction to Charlotte Mason's method, and the subject introductions for language arts, geography and nature study.
Online Syllabus (Year 1 & 2)
Scheduling Charts for each year are linked on syllabus.
RESOURCe pages and Lesson Plans FOR LEVEL 3
Religious Education:
From Sea to Shining Sea Recommended Reading List
Level 3 World History Reading Plan
World History Additional Reading List
National History Outline for Australian Students
This Country of Ours Study Guide
Geography and Earth Studies:
Level 3 & 4 Geography: History of Exploration
A Book of Discovery Study Guide
Level 3 Travel: Book of Marvels
Level 3 & 4 Science Schedule of Lessons
Other Helps: