A general outline of what is to be expected.
Preparatory Level (Ages 4 to 6)
Pre-K/Kindergarten in the US and Year 1 in the UK.
- New Testament Bible stories, Liturgical Year, Introduction to the Catholic Faith
- Introduction to letters and numbers.
- Story time
- Geography through study of children around the world
- Learning about God’s world
- Outdoor time
- Creative play
Level 1B (Ages 6 to 7)
One year course. Grade 1 in the US and Year 2 in the UK.
- Focus on acquisition of basic skills of reading, writing, number and oral narration.
- Begin serious study of religion, including New Testament, Catechism, and stories of saints
- Study History of child’s own nation
- Formal study of geography and earth studies begins with study of Rivers and Oceans
- Tales, fables and classic children’s literature
- Introductions to picture study and classical music
- Optional foreign language
- Nature Study: mammals, tide pool, and ocean life
- All books read aloud to the child unless he is reading proficiently.
Level 1A (Ages 7 to 9)
Two year course. Grades 2 and 3 in the US and Year 3 and 4 in the UK.
- Continuing focus on the development of basic skills.
- Religion studies including New Testament, Catechism, and stories of saints
- Begin the transition to reading independently and writing some narrations.
- English Language lessons
- Continue the studies begun in Level 1B
- Continue learning the history of the child’s own nation.
- Begin learning a foreign language.
- Begin systematic study of ancient history: Ancient Israel and Ancient Egypt
- Greek mythology, tales and classic children’s literature
- Geographical focus on Europe and Asia
- Studies of maps, weather and environments
- Science of the Natural world: plants, insects, birds in year 1
- Formal science study in year 2 begins with matter, astronomy, microscopic world
- Artist and composer studies
Level 2 (Ages 9 to 11)
Two year course. Grades 4 and 5 in the US and Years 5 and 6 in the UK.
- Lesson books to be read independently.
- Regular written narrations.
- Religion includes Acts of the Apostles, the Bible through the mysteries of the Rosary, Catechism, and a focus on saints and Our Lady
- English Language lessons
- Study history of another country (Britain or America)
- Continue study of ancient history: Ancient Greece and Rome
- Greek and Roman mythology
- Shakespeare
- Classic children’s literature
- Geographical focus: the Americas and Africa
- Science studies correlate with ancient history and include nature, solar system, simple machines, physics, and human biology
- Latin begun in second year
- Artist and composer studies
Level 3 (Ages 11 to 13)
Two year course. Grades 6 and 7 in the US and Years 7 and 8 in the UK.
- More advanced material than Level 2
- Bible history
- Bible study related to Church Year Cycle
- Lives of the Saints
- Apologetics
- Further study of history of own nation
- Survey of world history
- Classic literature and Shakespeare
- Tales/Mythology: Norse, Arthurian, Indian, Chinese
- History of Exploration
- World Geography (through travel)
- Botany, Intro to Biology, Chemistry, Physical Science
- Introduction to Geology
- Continue modern foreign language and Latin
- Artist and composer studies
Level 4 (Ages 13 to 14)
One year course. Grade 8 in the US and Year 9 in the UK.
- Transitional year into higher level studies
- Bible study related to Church Year Gospel
- 20th century saints and prominent Catholics
- Catechism focus
- Shakespeare study continues
- Tales from the Native American and African-American traditions
- Classic 20th century literature and poetry
- 20th century focus in history
- Current events
- 20th century Exploration
- Weather, electricity, magnetism and inventions
- Continue study of Geology from Level 3
- Natural History and stories of naturalists
- Continue modern foreign language and Latin
- Composers and music of the 20th century
- Artists of the 20th century
Level 5 (Ages 14 to 16)
Level 5 Year 1:
- Ancient History to the End of the Roman Empire
- British History to the Tudors
- Church History to the End of the Roman Empire
- Bible Study
- Writings of Saints and Doctors of the Church
- Study of the Creed
- Papal Encyclicals
- Classical Epics, British Literature to 1500
- Shakespeare
- Composition
- Geography of Asia
Level 5 Year 2:
- Medieval History
- British and American History to 1815
- Church History to the End of the Middle Ages
- Bible Study
- (Writings of) Saints and Doctors of the Church
- Study of the Mass
- Papal Encyclicals
- Dante, British poetry to 1900
- Shakespeare
- Composition
- Geography of Africa
Level 6 (Ages 16 to 18)
Two year course. Grade 11 – 12 in the US and Year 12+ in the UK
Level 6 Year 1:
- Modern World
- American History to 1815-Present
- Church History to the End of the Sixth Age
- Novels, English Poetry, American Literature
- Modern novels
- Shakespeare
- Composition
- Bible Study
- Saints and Doctors of the Church: 16th-18th centuries
- Spiritual reading
- Papal Encyclicals
- Geography of the Americas
Level 6 Year 2:
- Bible Study
- Saints and Doctors of the Church: 19th-20th centuries
- Spiritual reading
- Papal Encyclicals
- Independent Research in History
- Novels, Literary Genre Study
- Honors option: a year-long Senior Thesis
- Geography of Europe
- Further Science Studies