Level 3 World History Syllabus
Key Text:
(N) * The World’s Story by Elizabeth O’Neill
Pick one or more additional books from the World History Additional Reading List each term.
Continue to add to the Book of Centuries. They will record in it for the rest of their school years. (See The Book of Centuries Revisited for more information)
Additional Materials:
World Atlas or historical atlas
Blackline maps
The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia (optional; includes background info/maps)
Lesson Procedure (for student)
- Gather Text, World Atlas, and Narration journal.
- Recall what you read last.
- Find places on map.
- Read assigned section.
- Narrate (written if directed).
- Return materials to their places.
This schedule is based on reading 8 chapters over the course of 12 weeks. You will want to add in reading from the Level 3 World History Reading List to round it out to 12 weeks.
Level 3, Year 1
Term 1: Ch. I – VIII (The Coming of Man to Greece and Macedonia)
Map focus: Ancient Europe | |||
___ 1. | Ch. I | The Coming of Man* | The Lake Dwellers* Optional chapter, reflects 1907 understanding of evolution and early man. |
___ 2. | Ch. II | The Jews and the Phoenicians | 7-9 First section |
___ 3. | Ch. II | The Jews and the Phoenicians | 9-13 Abraham to “And so she did.” |
___ 4. | Ch. II | The Jews and the Phoenicians | 13-15 Esau and Jacob, Joseph in Egypt |
___ 5. | Ch. III | The Greeks | 15-18 The Story of Moses, The Ten Commandments |
___ 6. | Ch. III | The Greeks | 19-22 to “together to resist it.” first part and The Spartans |
___ 7. | Ch. III | The Greeks | 22-25 to “away after Marathon.” The Persians and The Battle of Marathon |
___ 8. | Ch. III | The Greeks | 25-26 The Persian Invasion of Greece |
___ 9. | Ch. III | The Greeks | 27-30 The Story of Thermopylae |
___ 10. | Ch. IV | The Athens of Pericles and Socrates | 31-33 Intro and map pg. 32 |
___ 11. | Ch. IV | The Athens of Pericles and Socrates | 33-36 Pericles to “..laugh instead of weep” |
___ 12. | Ch. IV | The Athens of Pericles and Socrates | 36-37 Socrates, study map pg. 32 |
___ 13. | Ch. V | The Greek Colonies in the West | (Whole chapter) |
___ 14. | Ch. VI | The Peloponnesian War | 41-43 to “changeable and fickle.” |
___ 15. | Ch. VI | The Peloponnesian War | 43-45 Alcibiades |
___ 16. | Ch. VI | The Peloponnesian War | 46 The Ruin of Athens |
___ 17. | Ch. VII | The Last Days of Greek Independence | (whole chapter) |
___ 18. | Ch. VIII | Greece and Macedonia | 50-52 to “story of Alexander the Great.” |
___ 19. | Ch. VIII | Greece and Macedonia | 52-54 Alexander the Great |
___ 20. | Ch. VIII | Greece and Macedonia | 54-57 The Gordian Knot |
___ 21. | Ch. VIII | Greece and Macedonia | 57-58 Alexander in India, The End of Alexander’s Empire |
Term 2: Ch. IX – XVII (The Rise of Rome to The Barbarians and the Empire)
Map: Ancient Europe | |||
___ 22. | Ch. IX | The Rise of Rome | 59-61 to “will be mentioned again.” |
___ 23. | Ch. IX | The Rise of Rome | 61-63 to “before from Troy.” |
___ 24. | Ch. IX | The Rise of Rome | 63-65 from “The time during which..” through The Story of Horatius |
___ 25. | Ch. X | Rome and the Celts | 66-67 first part and Rome’s First Conquest |
___ 26. | Ch. X | Rome and the Celts | 68-69 The Early Celts and The Burning of Rome |
___ 27. | Ch. XI | Rome Mistress of Italy | 70-72 first part, The Growth of Roman Power to “Latin cities came to an end forever.” |
___ 28. | Ch. XI | Rome Mistress of Italy | 72-75 From “These victories..” to end. |
___ 29. | Ch. XII | Rome and Carthage | 76-78 First part and The First Fight Between Greeks and Romans |
___ 30. | Ch. XII | Rome and Carthage | 79-82 Rome’s First Ships & Hannibal |
___ 31. | Ch. XIII | Rome and the East | 83-85 Intro to end of section |
___ 32. | Ch. XIII | Rome and the East | 85-86 The End of Greek Freedom |
___ 33. | Ch. XIV | Last Days of the Roman Republic | 87-92 Intro & Two Noble Romans |
___ 34. | Ch. XIV | Last Days of the Roman Republic | 93-95 Barbarians Against Rome & Days of Bloodshed |
___ 35. | Ch. XIV | Last Days of the Roman Republic | 95-100 The Great Julius Caesar |
___ 36 | Ch. XIV | Last Days of the Roman Empire | 100-101 The Death of Caesar |
___ 36 | Ch. XV | Early Days of the Roman Empire | 102-106 Intro & The First Roman Emperor |
___ 37 | Ch. XV | Early Days of the Roman Empire | 106 – 110 Coming of Christianity & Cruel Emperor Nero |
___ 38 | Ch. XVI | Early Days of the Roman Empire | 110-111 The Early Christian Saints and Martyrs |
___ 39 | Ch. XVI | The Barbarians and the Empire | 112-114 Intro |
___ 40 | Ch. XVI | The Barbarians and the Empire | 114-118 Julian the Apostate |
___ 41 | Ch. XVI | The Barbarians and the Empire | 118-119 Attila the Hun |
Term 3: Chapters XVII – XXIV (The New Nations to The Thirteenth Century)
Map Focus: Europe | |||
___ 42. | Ch. XVII | The New Nation | 120-122 Intro |
___43. | Ch. XVII | The New Nation | 122-124 Great Emperor Justinian |
___44. | Ch. XVII | The New Nation | 124-126 Early Monks |
___45. | Ch. XVIII. | The Beginnings of Mohammedanism | 127-129 Intro to middle of page 129 “…were driven out of Spain into Africa.” |
___ 46. | Ch. XVIII. | The Beginnings of Mohammedanism | 129-130 “The North of Africa…” until the end of chapter. |
___ 47. | Ch. XIX | Charles the Great and the Holy Roman Empire | 131-133 whole chapter |
___ 48. | Ch. XX | The Days of the Northmen | 134 Intro |
___ 49. | Ch. XX | The Days of the Northmen | 135-137 The Great King Alfred |
___ 50. | Ch. XX | The Days of the Northmen | 137-138 The End of the ‘Dark Ages’ |
___ 51. | Ch. XXI | The Great Pope Hildebrand | 139-140 Intro |
___ 52. | Ch. XXI | The Great Pope Hildebrand | 140 -144 The Norman Conquest of England |
___ 53. | Ch. XXII | The Crusades | 145-147 Intro |
___ 54. | Ch. XXII | The Crusades | 147-149 Godfrey De Bouillon |
___ 55. | Ch. XXII | The Crusades | 149 -153 King Richard of the Lion Heart |
___ 56. | Ch. XXIII | The Monks and the People in the Time of the Crusades | 154-155 Intro |
___57. | Ch. XXIII | The Monks and the People in the Time of the Crusades | 155-159 The Great St. Bernard |
___ 58. | Ch. XXIII | The Monks and the People in the Time of the Crusades | 159-162 England After the Conquest |
___ 59. | Ch. XXIII | The Monks and the People in the Time of the Crusades | 162-163 The Great Charter |
___ 60. | Ch. XXIV | The Thirteenth Century | 164-166 Intro |
___ 61. | Ch. XXIV | The Thirteenth Century | 166-170 The Children’s Crusade |
___ 62. | Ch. XXIV | The Thirteenth Century | 170 – 172 St. Louis of France |
___ 63. | Ch. XXIV | The Thirteenth Century | 172-173 The End of the Crusades |
Level 3, Year 2
Term 1: Chapters XXV-XXXII (St. Dominic and St. Francis to The Counter Reformation
Map Focus: Europe | |||
___ 1. | Ch. XXV | St. Dominic and St. Francis | 174-176 to “taking ‘Lady Poverty’ for his bride.” |
___ 2. | Ch. XXV | St. Dominic and St. Francis | 177-179 to “in the later Middle Ages.” |
___ 3. | Ch. XXV | St. Dominic and St. Francis | 179-180 The Great Poet Dante |
___ 4. | Ch. XXVI | The Black Death | 181-183 to “to England again, and died a prisoner.” |
___ 5. | Ch. XXVI | The Black Death | 184-186 “In the year 1360” to “in the fifteenth century.” |
___ 6. | Ch. XXVI | The Black Death | 187-188 from “After the Peasants Revolt..” to end of chapter |
___ 7. | Ch. XXVII | The End of the Middle Ages | 189-191 to “.. so things were now worse than ever.” |
___ 8. | Ch. XXVII | The End of the Middle Ages | 191-193 from “A few years afterward” to “Henry V was dead.” |
___ 9. | Ch. XXVII | The End of the Middle Ages | 194-197 Joan of Arc to end of chapter |
___ 10. | Ch. XXVIII | The Beginnings of Modern Times | 198-199 First part to “beginning of the Renaissance.” |
___ 11. | Ch. XXVIII | The Beginnings of Modern Times | 199-202 The Fall of Constantinople to “suddenly printing was invented.” |
___ 12. | Ch. XXVIII | The Beginnings of Modern Times | 203-204 The Beginning of Printing |
___ 13. | Ch. XXIX | A New World | 205-206 to “farther south each time.” |
___ 14. | Ch. XXIX | A New World | 206-209 “Before this people had believed..” to end of chapter. |
___ 15. | Ch. XXX | Christopher Columbus | Whole chapter |
___ 16. | Ch. XXXI | The Reformation | 214-216 to “who began the reformation.” study map p.215 |
___ 17. | Ch. XXXI | The Reformation | 216-220 Martin Luther to “as there were Protestant states.” |
___ 18. | Ch. XXXI | The Reformation | 220-222 The Great Kings of the Renaissance |
___ 19. | Ch. XXXI | The Reformation | The Reformation in England: p 222- top of 224 “England became Protestant too.” |
___ 20. | Ch. XXXI | The Reformation | 224-227 from “Most of the people” to “just as she told them.” |
___ 21. | Ch. XXXI | The Reformation | Queen Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots: 227-229 “with their lives.” |
___ 22. | Ch. XXXI | The Reformation | 229-230 from “The French Protestants” to end of chapter |
___ 23. | Ch. XXXII | The Counter Reformation | 231-233 first section to “remain in the Church.” |
___ 24. | Ch. XXXII | The Counter Reformation | The Struggle Between Spain and the Netherlands: 233-237 “Among the strictest” to end of chapter. |
Term 2: Chapters XXXIII-XL (England and Spain to the Story of Canada)
___ 25. | Ch. XXXIII | England and Spain | 238-239 to “England was strong enough to conquer.” |
___ 26. | Ch. XXXIII | England and Spain | 239-241 From “Yet long before..” to “world has ever had.” |
___ 27. | Ch. XXXIII | England and Spain | Spain’s Conquests in America 241-244 “It was not..” to “English ships did..” |
___28. | Ch. XXXIII | England and Spain | The Defeat of Armada 244-245 |
___29. | Ch. XXXIV | The Seventeenth Century | 246-248 to “great civil war.” |
___ 30. | Ch. XXXIV | The Seventeenth Century | The Great Civil War in England 248-251 from “Charles I became..” to “of their story.” |
___ 31. | Ch. XXXV | The Pilgrim Fathers | 252-254 to “too, attacked them.” |
___ 32. | Ch. XXXV | The Pilgrim Fathers | John Smith, the First Great English Colonist 254-257 “At last a young..” to “people live today.” |
___ 33. | Ch. XXXVI | The Age of Louis XIV | 258-262 “king of France.” |
___ 34. | Ch. XXXVI | The Age of Louis XIV | The Wars of Louis XIV 262-265 “For long before” to “history of Europe.” |
___ 35. | Ch. XXXVII | The East of Europe in the Seventeenth Century | 266-267 to “the Tsar, Peter the Great.” |
___ 36 | Ch. XXXVII | The East of Europe in the Seventeenth Century | Peter the Great 268-269 “It was under Peter..” to “in Europe today.” |
___ 37 | Ch. XXXVIII | The Eighteenth Century | 270-272 to “often looked like giants.” |
___ 38. | Ch. XXXVIII | The Eighteenth Century | Frederick the Great 272-274 “When Frederick..” to “part of Poland too.” |
___ 39. | Ch. XXXVIII | The Eighteenth Century | The Partition of Poland 275 “Poland was a very weak” to end of page. |
___ 40. | Ch. XXXIX | The Story of India | 276-277 to “ that is what happened.” |
___ 41. | Ch. XXXIX | The Story of India | 277-281 “We saw how the..” to “did not hear of it at once.” |
___ 42. | Ch. XXXIX | The Story of India | The Black Hole of Calcutta 282-284 “In Calcutta” to “to the English.” |
___ 43. | Ch. XXXIX | The Story of India | The Indian Mutiny 284-285 “In the year” to end of chapter |
___ 44. | Ch. XL | The Story of Canada | 286-288 Intro, The First Colonists in Canada, “To many men.” to “died in 1635.” |
___ 45. | Ch. XL | The Story of Canada | 288-291 Struggles with the Indians, George Washington: “Champlain’s work..” to “for the last time.” |
___ 46. | Ch. XL | The Story of Canada | General Wolfe, 291-294 from “But if there were Englishmen” to end of chapter |
Term 3: Ch. XLI-XLVIII (American Independence to Our World Today)
Map : America, Europe, Africa, Asia | |||
___ 47. | Ch. XLI | American Independence | 295-297 to “the English soldiers.” |
___ 48. | Ch. XLI | American Independence | The Battle of Bunker’s Hill 297 -299 “The first real..” to “less rough lives.” |
___ 49. | Ch. XLI | American Independence | The End of Slavery 299-301 “In the new states” to “the great republic.” |
___ 50. | Ch. XLII | Australasia | 302-304 to “what was found out.” |
___ 51. | Ch. XLII | Australasia | The First Colonists in Australia 304-308 “But before..” to “for the fleet.” |
___ 52. | Ch. XLII | Australasia | New Zealand 308-309 “On his last..” to end of chapter |
___ 53. | Ch. XLIII | The French Revolution | 310-312 to “Were killed as they marched out.” |
___ 54. | Ch. XLIII | The French Revolution | 313 “The news of the taking..” to 315 “and fainted away.” |
___ 55. | Ch. XLIII | The French Revolution | The Execution of the King 315-317 |
___ 56. | Ch. XLIV | The Story of Napoleon | 318-319 Intro |
___ 57. | Ch. XLIV | The Story of Napoleon | The Great Lord Nelson |
___ 58. | Ch. XLIV | The Story of Napoleon | The Great Lord Nelson |
___ 59. | Ch. XLIV | The Story of Napoleon | The Death of Nelson 325-327 |
___60. | Ch. XLIV | The Story of Napoleon | Spain’s Struggle with Napoleon 327-329 |
___61. | Ch. XLIV | The Story of Napoleon | The Fall of Napoleon 329-332 |
___62. | Ch. XLV | The Remaking of Europe | 333-335 “not for long.” |
___ 63. | Ch. XLV | The Remaking of Europe | 335-337 “ thousands died.” |
___ 64. | Ch. XLV | The Remaking of Europe | Florence Nightengale 337-340 |
___ 65. | Ch. XLV | The Remaking of Europe | The Making of Italy 340-343 |
___ 66. | Ch. XLVI | Africa – The Land of Mystery | Intro and The Barbary Pirates 344-346 |
___ 67. | Ch. XLVI | Africa – The Land of Mystery | The End of Egypt’s Independence and General Gordon 346-350 |
___ 68. | Ch. XLVI | Africa – The Land of Mystery | The Explorers, Mungo Park, David Livingstone 350-354 |
___ 69. | Ch. XLVI | Africa – The Land of Mystery | The Ideal of Cecil Rhodes, The Boer War 354-356 |
___ 70. | Ch. XLVII | The Story of China and Japan | Whole chapter |
___ 71. | Ch. XLVIII | Our World Today | Whole chapter |
Students will continue to study World and American History of the 20th Century in Level 4 next year.